November 27, 2019BlueowlNews

Aluminium entrance doors – why are they the best choice?

Installation of entrance doors is a milestone in the process of building a house. It has a truly symbolic dimension. Once provided with a door, the house is in building shell condition and one may start pondering over finishing works. For an already existing building entrance doors are a hallmark, and consequently they need to be chosen in a careful and considered way. When choosing a door attention should be paid to several factors, for example energy savings or durability. Naturally this must go along with the desired aesthetic values and an appropriate affordable price. Fortunately the technology of wooden door frames has become so advanced that the market offers many different solutions and variants. 

Aluminium entrance doors

Aluminium entrance doors with the entire aluminium framework meet all the above mentioned requirements. This is an obvious reason for which they are gaining an increasing popularity.

Aluminium entrance doors – strength and durability

The main advantage of this type of doors is their high durability, and that allows their use also in industrial applications. Thanks to good durability parameters of aluminium, the doors are available in many structural variants. Off-standard large dimensions are no longer a challenge. What is more, the high durability of aluminium is also of key importance during the usage of doors. They may not become easily damaged and do not undergo any deformations. Aluminium entrance doors offer good resistance properties to weather conditions, without the necessity of assuring any special maintenance. Frequently entrance doors are exposed to such phenomena, as rainfall or strong insolation. Aluminium doors guarantee an impeccable appearance for many years. No microcracking is formed on them, and their colour does not fade.

Aluminium entrance doors – energy savings

As regards energy savings, standard aluminium doors have a coefficient at the level of 1.3 W/(m² K). Yet for passive and energy saving houses, the doors are additionally thermally insulated by polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene or mineral wool. This contributes to a much better heat transfer coefficient, with the KRISPOL SOLANO doors even capable of achieving a coefficient at the level of 0.8 W/(m² K).

Aluminium entrance doors – aesthetic values

Aesthetic values of aluminium doors are in no way inferior to other types of doors. Thanks to the powder coating technology they may get to be uniform or decorated with ornaments. In addition aluminium entrance doors are also available in veneered versions (e.g. woodgrain pattern). The general appearance of aluminium entrance doors are affected also by such finishing elements as:

  • Thresholds for aluminium doors,
  • Handrail for aluminium doors,
  • Handles for aluminium doors,
  • Door fittings.

All those elements may further enhance the doors both with view to the appearance and their functionality. Furthermore, a lot depends on whether the chosen aluminium doors are glazed or made of full aluminium panels.

Glazed aluminium doors

Strength properties of aluminium doors enable the installation of large glazing. This is a considerable asset for entrance doors because it allows optimising light in the vestibule and enhancing visual values.

Which doors to choose – of aluminium or wood?

Aluminium entrance doors are gaining popularity, yet in order for the choice to be rational also other types of doors need to be taken into consideration. Wooden doors have been present on the Polish market for years, and for this simple reason they appear to be the first choice of more traditional clients. Nevertheless their parameters and strength properties are clearly inferior to aluminium doors. Wooden doors offer better resistance to weather conditions. Unfortunately after a few years they tend to lose their colour. What is more, they require regular maintenance of their surface. Aluminium doors, on the other hand, preserve their colour and look brand new for several years, without any necessity of maintenance. Some people may argue that wooden doors look better than aluminium ones. Thanks to the possibility of providing aluminium doors with veneer they may gain an appearance equal to that of the wooden ones. The only property that is slightly better in wooden doors is the heat transfer coefficient. As we have already mentioned, additional insulation of aluminium doors enables adapting the heat transfer coefficient to individual preferences of the client.

Aluminium doors are a wise choice and a guarantee of several advantages, which is confirmed in the first place by parameters and physical features. It is recommended that before making the final decision as to the choice of entrance doors, all the pros and cons of available solutions should be reviewed. This type of comparison may lead to only a single conclusion. Aluminium door frames are definitely superior to other options and are going to dominate the market completely.

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